We want you to get the care you deserve.

About Us

Rise&Be is a business name that evokes a sense of motivation and empowerment. The word “rise” suggests growth and progress, while “be” conveys a state of being, such as being healthy or happy. Together, the name implies that by taking steps to improve one’s wellness. Individuals can rise to their full potential and be their best selves.

Transforming healthcare

We are a Multi-disciplinary Clinic where patients can receive comprehensive care from a variety of healthcare professionals. As a wellness collective, we assist members by providing massage therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, naturopath, and more. Let us help you connect with one of our practitioners who meets your needs and is available to see you, online or in-person.

A modern approach

It’s essential for us that our clients get personalized suggestions on who from our team is the best match. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our patients’ needs.

Get started with Rise&Be, today.